Get Connected
Events qualifying for promotional material in Get Connected:
- Must submit specified content three weeks prior to first GC appearance, using the promotional request form.
- The event may be advertised six to eight weeks before actual event date.
- “Save the Date” request must be submitted three weeks prior to first GC appearance.
- The event will most likely not run in Get Connected more than two weeks consecutively.
Weekend Bulletin
Events qualifying for promotional material in the bulletin:
- Must submit specified content two weeks prior to requested publication date.
- The event may be advertised six to eight weeks before actual event date.
- “Save the Date” request must be submitted two weeks prior to actual publication date.
- The event may run in the bulletin no more than three weeks consecutively.
Find out more about the bulletin.
Event Booth Space
Events that qualifying for promotion with a foyer booth space:
- Booth space must not exceed the dimensions of 4 feet in depth from the wall and 10 feet wide.
- Booth must be freestanding. Therefore, nothing may be installed on the wall that would damage the paint/wall itself.
- May not be set up more than two weeks consecutively.
- Must be located in one of the pre-determined booth space locations.
* Please see Booth Map for booth space locations. [Appendix F]
Promotional Emails And Mailers
If a ministry wants to send out any promotional emails and mailers reaching over 100 people, they need to submit a Media Request for their promotional piece to be proofed and edited.