Please use the following conventions when writing for promotions:
- Use only one space after a period.
- Do not include the year unless you’re referring to a date, not in the current year.
- Do not include “th”, “rd”, “nd”, etc when writing dates unless the date is written as “The 3rd of November”.
- Do not include a space between the time and period (am/pm).
- The time period should always be lowercase without periods (12:00am).
- Instead of referring to midnight on a certain date, refer to 11:59pm (ie: “April 23 at 11:59pm” instead of “midnight on April 23”).
- Prices should not include decimals; list as $1, $5, or $100.
- Do not use a space between hyphens. 3 years old-Kindergarten or 4:00-6:30pm.
- Use periods with phone numbers, not parenthesis (i.e. 815.577.8000).
- Grades should be written out with numeral ordinals such as 1st or 2nd.
- Use Middle School and High School.
- Use Life Group.
- Use Information Center, not Info Center.
- Be clear and concise.